Discover How Mold Can Be a Year-Round Problem

Published On: August 29, 2013|By |
mold spores, allergy, outdoors

Get Ready to discover how mold spores can be a year-round problem.

Mold spores are microscopic fungi. They become visible when molds reproduce and form clusters across decomposing matter. Molds are typically found outside, but can travel in the air to come inside your home. Molds grow in damp, poorly ventilated areas, and molds thrive in areas that are dark, warm and have high humidity. Although mold growth spikes during high humidity months, mold can remain a year-round problem in damp areas of your home.

Understand these key points about mold spores:

  • Molds thrive and reproduce in dark, warm and humid areas.  Mold allergies are caused by inhaling airborne mold spores.
  • Dust mites and molds both thrive when humidity levels are high. Keep levels under 50% and ideally at 35-40%.
  • Monitor humidity levels with a gauge, even in winter if you are using a humidifier.
  •  Bathrooms and basements can be major problem areas for mold. Avoid carpets in both, which can foster mold growth.

What’s Your Action Plan?

  • Ventilate damp areas. Use air conditioning and dehumidifiers to keep humidity levels under 50% to decrease mold and dust mite growth.

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About the Author: Allergy Partners