Rethink Pet Allergies: It’s Not the Hair

Published On: December 16, 2013|By |
comfort, dog, pet, dandriff

Get Ready to tackle pet allergies by learning more about pet dander and what causes your allergies.

Many people believe that a pet’s hair causes allergy symptoms. That’s not the case.  Animal dander, including proteins and saliva on the skin, cause allergy-symptoms when these particles flake off and are inhaled. Pets with longer hair don’t cause increased allergy symptoms, and unfortunately, even hypo-allergenic pets can cause allergies as they all produce dander.

Understand these key points about pet dander:

  • Shedding dead skin cells, or dander, causes most pet allergies.
  • These tiny allergy-causing particles can remain in the air for a long time, where you have more opportunity to breathe them in.
  • Dander is very sticky and can travel on clothes to cause allergies outside the home. Thorough cleaning is necessary to reduce dander levels at home.
  • It can take 6 months for dander in your home to no longer cause allergies.
  • Soft furnishings, bedding and carpets collect dander.  Treating these areas is important, and using a HEPA air cleaner can be especially helpful since the dander remains airborne longer.

What’s Your Action Plan?

  • We’re sad to say that the best action is to find a new home for your pet. If that’s not possible, keep your pet strictly out of your bedroom and wash your hands after all contact.

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About the Author: Allergy Partners